Manage Description Shorthands
Enhance the efficiency of your time entries by incorporating shorthand in your descriptions. Default shorthands have been included for your convenience. It is advisable to review the list before generating new shorthands.
Access Shorthand Page
To access the shorthand page:
- From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
- From the Setup left navigation, click List Items.
- From the tabs atop the List Items screen, click Shorthand.
Create a Shorthand
To create a shorthand:
- From the toolbar atop the Shorthand screen, click +Add. The Add Shorthand screen opens.
- In the Code field, enter the shorthand code. For example, adr for Address.
- In the Description field, enter the full text that the shorthand represents, such as Address.
- Click Save. The system adds the shorthand and displays it in the listing.
Edit a Shorthand
To edit a shorthand:
- From the Shorthand screen, double-click the shorthand, or single-click it, and then from the toolbar atop the screen, click Edit.
- In the Edit Shorthand screen, edit the fields as needed.
- Click Save.
The system saves your shorthand edits.
Delete a Shorthand
To delete a shorthand:
- From the Shorthand screen, single-click the shorthand to highlight it.
- From the toolbar atop the screen, click Delete.
The Delete Shorthand message reads: Are you sure you want to delete selected shorthand? - Click Yes.
The system deletes the shorthand.
Insert a Shorthand into a Timecard
To use a shorthand in a timecard:
- Add a timecard.
- In the Description field, enter @ followed by the shorthand. For example, @adr.
- From the drop-down displaying potential matches, click the desired description.
The description populates the field.