Client’s Trust Ledger Report
The client’s trust ledger lists deposits and withdrawals to and from the specified trust bank for your selected date range. The report groups all transactions based on their associated matters.
To access the report:
US Users: Reports > Trust > Client’s Trust Ledger
Canada Users: Reports > Law Society Compliance Docs > Client’s Trust Ledger
Report Filters
- Matter Owner: Choose to view the report for all matter owners or filter by a specific matter owner.
- Trust Bank: Choose the particular Trust account of which you wish to see activity.
- Date Range: To capture the range of banking activity you wish to see, you can customize the date range to be covered in the report.
- Client-Matter: Check the box to choose all client-matter. To choose a specific client- matter, uncheck the box and type in the client-matter. You can choose to view active matters only by checking the box. To choose inactive matters, uncheck the box.
Report Print Options
- Apply a page break between items: Check the box to apply page breaks between items.
- Include Ledgers With No Activity: Check or uncheck as desired.
Click View to preview the report or to download, select the preferred format (Excel/pdf) and click Download.