October 25, 2024
Added new invoice template field, option to change timekeeper for expense, Save and New options for Quick Action, and more.
New Invoice Template Field
The new merge field [#TrustLedger#] added to the invoice template library will include columns for Date, Description, and Amount to show previous balance as of last invoice date and all the activities that occurred between last invoice date and new invoice date.
Change Timekeeper for Hard Cost
If the timekeeper that incurs a hard cost is different from the default timekeeper associated with the matter, the hard cost expense screen now gives you the option to change the timekeeper for the expense.
Quick Action Save and New
When adding items such as Time, Matter, Flat Fee, Expense (Soft Cost), Expense (Hard Cost), Note and Task from the the Quick Action menu, you can now save one item and add another by using the Save and New option.
- User will be able to add paid tax amount to the Accounts Payable bill according to the regional tax settings configured by them.
- User with requisite permissions, who has a Time/expense entry role will be able to manage list items under Setup.
- All transactions added from the import transactions screen will appear for a Bank that has the import (Bank) icon displayed.
- If you export content from the Clients/Address Book section, the size of your view will not change.
- System will not apply trust payments on an invoice for a matter that does not have trust funds available.
- While adding a hard cost expense for a payee who has a default COA assigned, user will be able to select matter from the matter column even if the Memo field is blank.
- User can add a description and select or change client-matter while timer is running.
- Client portal account will display all the events shared by the firm.
- User with normal role will be able to access Timesheet from Time menu option in the menu panel.
- Applying filter for specific activity in Global search and activity (Event, Task, Notes, etc) results will show the same results.
- User will be able to download deposit slips, or bank statements without any delay.
- User will be able to search for matters which do not have a matter file#.
- Applied filters in matter section will be retained after performing various activities in matter landing page.
- Users will not get a white screen when:
- Adding new matter
- Applying filters in task list
- Adding Trust Transaction withdrawal/Deposit from Matters
- Clicking Add Timecard for an Inactive Matter
- Clicking on the Me dashboard after adding tasks and navigating to various locations where tasks are displayed.