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Manage Your Credit Card Expenses

You can manage your credit card expenses for reporting and accounting purposes.

Add a Credit Card Expense

To add a credit card expense:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Banking.
  2. On the Bank screen, double-click the credit card bank.
  3. From the toolbar atop the Transactions screen, click Add > Add Charge or Add > Add Payment as applicable.
    The Add Transaction screen opens.
  4. From the Date field’s drop-down, click the transaction date.
  5. In the Amount field, enter the transaction amount.
  6. In the Pay To or Payor field, enter the appropriate name.
  7. The Type field auto-populates for the credit card charge or payment.
  8. From the Method field’s drop-down, select the transaction method.
  9. In the Ref# field, enter a reference number if desired.
  10. From the Memo field’s drop-down, click the transaction reason. You can enter a new reason instead of using the drop-down choices. You can also customize your drop-down choices.
  11. In the Accounts section, click the + Add to choose between Add Account or Use Existing Matter Expense and to split the transaction between two or more accounts.
    Note: When you select Use Existing Matter Expense, it displays a section within which you create an expense card or link to an existing one.
  12. Complete the fields, as applicable:
    1. Matter: Enter any letter for the drop-down to display the list of existing matters if you wish to add this transaction as a matter expense.
    2. Account: Select the chart of accounts to which the transaction applies. This account will auto-populate when you post the transaction.
    3. Amount: This will auto-populate with the total amount. If you wish to split the transaction, enter the desired amount.
    4. Timekeeper: This column will be visible if you enter the matter name.
    5. Description: Add a description
  13. Take the appropriate action:
    Click Save and New to save the transaction and enter another.
    Click Save to save and return to the Transactions screen.

Edit a Credit Card Expense

To edit a credit card expense:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Banking.
  2. On the Bank screen, double-click the credit card bank.
  3. On the Transactions screen, select the transaction and click on the three dots at the end of the row.
  4. From the drop-down, click Edit.
  5. On the Edit Transaction screen, make your changes.
  6. In the upper right corner, click Save.
    The system saves your transaction updates.

Delete a Credit Card Expense

To delete a credit card expense:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Banking.
  2. On the Bank screen, double-click the credit card bank.
  3. On the Transactions screen, select the transaction and click on the three dots at the end of the row.
  4. From the drop-down, click Delete.
  5. The Delete Transaction message reads: Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?
  6. Click Delete.
    The system deletes the expense.

For additional information, see:

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