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Pay a Third-Party Bill

You can pay third-party bills individually, or in bulk.

Pay a Third-Party Bill

To pay a third-party bill:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Matters.
  2. On the Matters screen, double-click the matter.
  3. From the tabs atop the Matters Details section, click Banking.
  4. From the tabs atop the Banking screen, click 3rd Party Bills.
  5. On the 3rd Party Bills screen, check the box beside the bills you want to pay.
  6. From the toolbar, click Pay.
  7. On the Pay Bills screen, from the Date field’s drop-down, click the payment date.
  8. In the Amount field, enter the amount to be paid. If you are making a partial payment, you can edit the amount displayed.
  9. The Bank field’s drop-down displays the trust account from which the funds will be withdrawn. This is the default trust account chosen when you created the matter.
  10. In the Pay To field, enter the person’s or entity’s name to whom the payment is due.
  11. The Type field defaults to Withdrawal.
  12. From the Method field’s drop-down, click the payment method.
  13. In the Ref # field, enter a code to associate the bill with, if desired.
  14. In the Memo field, enter a memo. if desired. This will display on reports. It will also print on the check if Method = Check in step 12.
  15. In the Memo2 field, enter a memo for internal recordkeeping only, if desired. Only your firm can see this.
  16. In the Remaining section’s Applied Amount field, edit the amounts for those bills for which you are making partial payments.
  17. In the upper right corner, click Pay.
    The system applies your payments, with those paid in full updating to a Paid status.

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