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Invoice and Letter Template Fields

To add fields to your invoice templates, paste the field names listed below into the templates.

Learn how to Add or Remove Invoice Template Fields

Firm Fields

Field Name Description
[#FirmName#] Firm Name
[#FirmAddress#] Firm Street Address
[#FirmPhoneFax#] Firm Phone/Fax
[#WebSite#] Firm Website

Invoice Fields

Field Name Description
[#InvoicePaymentLink#] Invoice Payment Link (invoices only)
[#ClientId#] Client’s ID #
[#InvoiceDate#] Invoice Date
[#InvoiceNum#] Invoice Number
[#Matter#] Matter Name
[#MatterFileNum#] Matter File No.
[#MatterPONumber#] Matter PO Number
[#MatterOwnerName#] Matter Owner (aka Responsible Lawyer) Name
[#MatterOwnerSignature#] Will display signature image on invoice templates that was uploaded on Edit Matter Owner page
[#ClientInfo#] Full client address block
[#ClientInfo-Linked-Clients#] Adds the primary contact and another party labeled client in the relations tab.
[#ClientDisplayName#] Will display client’s display name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Display Name)
[#ClientOriginalName#] Will display client’s original name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Original Name)
[#ClientPrimaryAddress#] Will include Primary Address for client which includes Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip.
E.g. 123 W High St,
Nashville, TN 38456 (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Primary Address)
[#ClientPrimaryName#] Will display client’s Primary name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Primary Party Info > Primary Party Name)  
[#ClientSecondaryName#] Will display client’s Secondary name (Contacts > Clients > Click add > Secondary Party Info > Secondary Party Name)
[#ClientSecondaryPartyAddress#] Will include Secondary Party Address for client which includes Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip.
E.g. 123 W High St,
Nashville, TN 38456
(Contacts > Clients > Click add > Add more parties > Secondary party info > Secondary party Address)
[#DueDate#] Invoice Due Date
[#InvoiceDescription#] Invoice Description
[#PrintDate#] Date invoice is being printed
  • Service items details table.
  • Format changes depending upon matter type.
  • Hourly Invoice Field lists:
    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
    • Hours
    • Rate
    • Amount
  • Service items details table without timekeeper rates.

    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
    • Hours
    • Amount
  • Service items minimal details table.

    • Date
    • Item details
    • Amount
  • Service items minimal details table.
  • No listed amounts for each line item.

    • Date
    • Item details
  • Service items details table without timekeeper rates or amounts.

    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
  • Service items details table without individual line amount.

    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
    • Hours
  • Service items details table without timekeeper initials.

    • Date
    • Item details
    • Hours
    • Rate
    • Amount
[#ProfSerItems7#] This field will include task/description for timecards linked to invoice in paragraph separated by semicolon (;)
  • Service items details table with columns for:
    • Date
    • Description
    • Time Billed (Hours)
    • Lawyer
[#HrsTotal#] Total hours billed
[#ProfChargeTotal#] Total Professional Charges
[#ProfChargeTotalLessDiscount#] Total amount after discount is applied to the fees
  • Expense items table

    • Date
    • Initials
    • Details
    • Quantity
    • Rate
    • Amount
  • Expense items table

    • Date
    • Details
    • Quantity
    • Rate
    • Amount
  • Expense items table

    • Date
    • Initials
    • Details
    • Amount
  • Expense items table

    • Date
    • Details
    • Amount
  • Expense items table

    • Details
    • Amount
[#AddHardCostItems#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems#]” (6 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items.
[#AddHardCostItems1#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems1#]” (5 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items.
[#AddHardCostItems2#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems2#]” (4 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items.
[#AddHardCostItems3#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems3#]” (3 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items.
[#AddHardCostItems4#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems4#]” (2 Columns) but listing only Hard Cost Items.
[#AddHardCostTaxableItems#] Displays description and amount
[#AddHardCostTaxableItems1#] Displays date, details, quantity, and amount  (4 Columns)
Provides date, details and amount for any hard cost created as taxable
[#AddHardCostNonTaxableItems#] Displays description and amount
[#AddHardCostNonTaxableItems1#] Displays date, details, quantity, and amount  (4 Columns)
Provides dates, details and amount for any hard cost created as non-taxable
[#AddSoftCostItems#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems#]” (6 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items.
[#AddSoftCostItems1#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems1#]” (5 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items.
[#AddSoftCostItems2#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems2#]” (4 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items.
[#AddSoftCostItems3#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems3#]” (3 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items.
[#AddSoftCostItems4#] A variation of field “[#AddChargeItems4#]” (2 Columns) but listing only Soft Cost Items.
[#AddSoftCostTaxableItems3#] Provides date, details and amount for any soft cost created as taxable
[#AddSoftCostNonTaxableItems3#] Provides date, details and amount for any soft cost created as non-taxable
[#AddChargeTotal#] Total Additional Charges
[#AddHardCostTotal#] A variation from [#AddChargeTotal#] but which only totals items in [#AddHardCostItems#]
[#AddSoftCostTotal#] A variation from [#AddChargeTotal#] but which only totals items in [#AddSoftCostItems#]
[#TotalAmountWithoutTax#] Displays total invoice amount without taxes
[#TotalNonTaxableHardCost#] Displays total nontaxable hard cost without taxes
[#TotalTaxableHardCost#] Displays total taxable hard cost without taxes
[#TotalTaxOnTaxableSoftCost#] Displays total tax on taxable soft cost items
[#TotalNonTaxableSoftCost#] Displays total of nontaxable soft cost without taxes
[#TotalTaxableSoftCost#] Displays total of taxable soft cost without taxes
[#OverheadAmt#] Overhead Amount
[#LateFees#] Late Fees
[#Discount#] Discount
[#FinanceCharge#] Finance Charges
[#InvoiceAmt#] Invoice Amount before applied payment
[#LastRcvdAmt#] Sum of Payment(s) received after last invoice and applied to any open invoice(s) prior to the current invoice
[#AppliedAmt#] Payment received for the current invoice
  • Any/all payment made on receivables for selected matter through any source (Operating Retainer, Trust Retainer, direct payments).
  • Total Payments for life of Matter – sum total of all invoice payments made on the matter since it was opened.
[#TotalAmountBilled#] Total of all the invoices billed. Total Billed for life of Matter – sum total of all items billed to the client for the matter since it was opened.
[#InvoiceBalance#] The remaining balance of the current invoice after applied payment
[#InvoiceBalanceIncReplenishAmt#] The remaining balance of the current invoice after applied payment and including [#ReplenishAmt#] value.
[#PreviousMatterBalance#] Sum of previous invoice balances
[#PreviousMatterBalance1#] Sum of previous invoice balances excluding [#LastRcvdAmt#] amount.
[#BalanceDue#] Total balance due
[#BalanceDueIncReplenishAmt#] Total balance due including [#ReplenishAmt#] value
[#ReplenishAmt#] Replenishment amount required to bring matter’s trust balance to its minimum required value.
[#RoundedReplenishAmt#] Replenishment amount (rounded to next 100) required to bring matter’s trust balance to its minimum required value.
[#InvoiceAmtIncReplenishAmt#] Current invoice amount PLUS Replenishment amount (as of Invoice Printing Date).
[#InvoiceAmtIncRoundedReplenishAmt#] Current invoice amount PLUS rounded replenishment amount (as of Invoice Printing Date).
  • Multiplies the invoice amount by value set under Invoice Settings
  • Useful for entering non-variable currency rates so invoice amounts display in two currencies
[#InvoiceBalanceConvertedAmount#] Multiplies the [#BalanceDue#] by the [#InvoiceAmountMultiplier#]
  • Table to display funds received since last invoice.
  • Populates a 6-column “Transactions since last invoice” table and provides values for:
    • Date
    • Ref#
    • Account
    • Payee
    • Deposit
    • Withdrawal
  • Setup > Invoice Templates -> Print Client Transactions also controls data in this table.
  • Table to display funds received since last invoice.
  • This field will populate all the transactions in Client-Matter.
  • Populates a 7-column table and provides values for:
    • Date
    • Ref#
    • Type (Will be ‘Trust’ or ‘General’)
    • Payee
    • Description (Memo1 of Transaction)
    • Deposit
    • Withdrawal
  • Setup > Invoice > Templates > Print Client Transactions also controls data displayed in this table.
  • Table to display all funds received on the matter.
  • Populates a 7-column table and provides values for:
    • Date
    • Ref#
    • Type (Will be ‘Trust’ or ‘General’)
    • Payee
    • Description (Memo1 of Transaction)
    • Deposit
    • Withdrawal
  • Setup > Invoice > Templates > Print Client Transactions also controls data displayed in this table.
  • Table to display all funds received on the matter for the current month.
  • Populates a 6-column table and provides values for:
    • Date
    • Ref#
    • Account
    • Payee
    • Deposit
    • Withdrawal
  • Setup > Invoice Templates -> Print Client Transactions also controls data in this table.
[#TotalTrustDeposits#] Total deposits made in matter’s trust banks till date when you print an invoice. Total will include:

  • Value of all the trust banks.
  • Total Trust Payments for life of Matter – sum total of all trust deposits made on the matter since it was opened.
  • Total withdrawal from all the trust banks associated with the matter.
  • Total Trust Withdrawals for life of Matter – sum total of all trust withdrawals made for the matter since it was opened.
[#TimeKeeperSummaryTable#] A table field which populates a 3-column “Summary of Legal Services” table and provides values as summary statistics for each timekeeper in the current invoice:

    • Name
    • Time Spent
    • Amount
[#TimeKeeperSummaryTable1#] A table field which populates a 4 column “Summary of Legal Services” table and provides values as summary statistics for each timekeeper in the current invoice:

    • Name
    • Title
    • Time Spent
    • Amount
  • A table field which populates a 5 column “Summary of Legal Services” table and provides these values as summary statistics for each timekeeper in the current invoice:
    • Name
    • Title
    • Time Spent
    • Effective Rate
    • Amount
  • Effective Rate value is calculated for each invoice as Timekeeper’s Amount/Time Spent, rounded to nearest integer.
  • A table field which populates a 4 column “Summary of Legal Services” table and provides values as summary statistics for each timekeeper in the current invoice:
    • Timekeeper Name
    • Time Billed (Hours)
    • Effective Rate
    • Amount
  • Effective Rate value is calculated for each invoice as timekeeper’s amount/time spent, rounded to the nearest integer.
  • A table field which lists all prior invoices with balance > 0 showing breakdown of “Prior Balance” in 5 columns:
    • Date
    • Invoice #
    • Original Amount
    • Payment Applied
    • Balance
  • This is used to itemize open invoices as of the invoice date.
  • A table field which lists all prior invoices (paid or unpaid) showing in 5 columns:
    • Date
    • Invoice #
    • Original Amount
    • Payment Applied
    • Balance
  • This is used to itemize/log all previously issued invoices.

Hybrid Billing Fields

  • Service items details table for fixed and contingency matters.
  • Format changes depending upon matter type.
  • Hourly Invoice Field lists:
    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
    • Hours
    • Rate
    • Amount
  • Service items details table for fixed and contingency matters without timekeeper rates.

    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
    • Hours
    • Amount
  • Service items minimal details table for fixed and contingency matters.

    • Date
    • Item details
    • Amount
  • Service items minimal details table for fixed and contingency matters.
  • No listed amounts for each line item.

    • Date
    • Item details
  • Service items details table without timekeeper rates or amounts for fixed and contingency matters.

    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
  • Service items details table for fixed and contingency matters without individual line amount.

    • Date
    • Timekeeper Initials
    • Item details
    • Hours
  • Service items details table for fixed and contingency matters without timekeeper initials.

    • Date
    • Item details
    • Hours
    • Rate
    • Amount
[#HybridProfSerItems7#] This field will include task/description for timecards linked to invoice in paragraph separated by semicolon (;)
  • Service items details table for fixed and contingency matters with columns for:
    • Date
    • Description
    • Time Billed (Hours)
    • Lawyer

Split Billing Fields

Field Name Description
[#AddSplitMainItems#] This field will include the split’s main matter number, client name, and main matter name
[#MFeesTot#] This field will include the total Fees
[#MExpTot#] This field will include the total Expenses
[#MTotal#] This field will include the total fees + expenses
[#AddSplitSecondaryItems#] This field will include the Split Matter’s number, client name, and current matter name
[#SFeesTot#] This field will include the total Fee split for the current  matter
[#SExpTot#] This field will include the total Expense split for the current matter
[#SExpTot#] This field will include the total Fee and Expense split for current Matter

Invoice Retainer Fields

Field Name Description
[#RetainerBalance#] Total Retainer balance (Trust & Operating)
[#MinRetainerBalance#] Matter’s minimum required retainer value if set.
[#MatterTrustBalance#] Trust Only Retainer balance
[#MatterTrustBalance-COA-2300#] Trust COA 2300 Only Retainer balance
[#MatterTrustBalance-COA-2310#] Trust COA 2310 Only Retainer balance
[#MatterOperatingBalance#] Operating Only Retainer balance
[#TrustBankBalanceTable#] A summary table that lists all trust accounts linked to this matter that have balances.
A summary table that lists all trust accounts linked to this matter, including those that have a ledger balance of 0.00

Invoice Tax Fields

Field Name Description
[#AddTaxableChargeItems#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (6 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items.
[#AddTaxableChargeItems1#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems1#] (5 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items.
[#AddTaxableChargeItems2#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems2#] (4 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items.
[#AddTaxableChargeItems3#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems3#] (3 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items.
[#AddTaxableChargeItems4#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems4#] (2 columns) but listing ONLY taxable expense items.
[#AddTaxableChargeTotal#] Total of taxable expense items included in variable [#AddTaxableChargeItems#] list.
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (6 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items.
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems1#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (5 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items.
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems2#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (4 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items.
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems3#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (3 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items.
[#AddNonTaxableChargeItems4#] A variation of current table [#AddChargeItems#] (2 columns) but listing ONLY non-taxable expense items.
[#AddNonTaxableChargeTotal#] Total of non-taxable expense items included in [#AddNonTaxableChargeItems#] list.
[#TotalTaxOnTaxableHardCost#] Displays total tax on taxable hard cost items
[#TotalTaxableHardCostWithTax#] Displays total taxable hard cost with taxes
[#TotalSoftCostWithTax#] Displays total soft cost with taxes
[#fee-tax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount on Fees Only
[#fee-tax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount on Fees Only
[#cost-tax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount on Costs Only
[#cost-tax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount on Costs Only
[#total-tax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount
[#total-tax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount
[#ServiceTaxTotal#] Total of Taxes on Fees
[#SalesTaxTotal#] Total of Taxes on Costs/Disbursements
[#TotalTaxAmount#] Total Taxes
[#total-hardcost-tax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount on Hard Costs Only
[#total-hardcost-tax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount on Hard Costs Only
[#total-hardcost-tax-amount#] Total of Taxes on Hard Costs
[#total-softcost-tax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount on Soft Costs Only
[#total-softcost-tax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount on Soft Costs Only
[#total-softcost-tax-amount#] Total of Taxes on Soft Costs
[#fee-tax1-rate#] Tax1 % Rate on Fee
[#fee-tax2-rate#] Tax2 % Rate on Fee
[#cost-tax1-rate#] Tax1 % Rate on Cost
[#cost-tax2-rate#] Tax2 % Rate on Cost
[#fee-tax1-label#] Tax1 on Fee Title
[#fee-tax2-label#] Tax2 on Fee Title
[#cost-tax1-label#] Tax1 on Cost Title
[#cost-tax2-label#] Tax2 on Cost Title
[#Tax1-ID-Number#] Firm’s Tax1 ID Number
[#Tax2-ID-Number#] Firm’s Tax2 ID Number

Canadian Additional Invoice Disbursement Fields

Field Name Description
[#cost-vendortax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount on Disbursements As Agent
[#cost-vendortax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount on Disbursements As Agent
[#cost-firmtax1-amount#] Total of Tax1 Amount on Disbursements Excluding Disbursements as Agent
[#cost-firmtax2-amount#] Total of Tax2 Amount on Disbursements Excluding Disbursements as Agent

Letter and Cover Page Fields

Field Name Description
[#ClientContact#] Client contact name only
[#BookKeeperName#] Bookkeeper Name (Signature on cover page)
[#BookKeeperTitle#] Bookkeeper Title (Signature on cover page)
[#BookKeeperPhone#] Bookkeeper Phone (Signature on cover page)
[#MinRetainerAmt#] Matter – Minimum Required Retainer
[#InvoiceReminderDate#] Invoice Reminder Notice Date
[#PaymentDate#] Payment Requested By
[#RetainerReminderDate#] Retainer Reminder Notice Date
[#ReplenishAmt#] Replenishment Retainer Needed
[#LateFees#] Late Fees
[#Discount#] Discount

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