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Create Custom Auto-Numbering for Matters

You can create a custom auto-numbering scheme for your matter files. You can order your scheme’s types, or data fields, in whatever way best suits your firm’s needs.

Create Custom Auto-Numbering for Matters

This example creates this scheme:

[Client ID][-][Sequence: Start 1, Increment 1, Min Length 4][-][Month][-][Year]

To create an auto-numbering scheme for matter files:

  1. From the left navigation panel, click Setup.
  2. From the Setup left navigation, click Firm Settings.
  3. From the tabs atop the Firm Settings screen, click Firm Preferences.
  4. On the Firm Preferences screen, scroll down to the Auto Numbering section.
  5. To the right of Auto Generate Matter File Number (Custom), click the orange arrow icon.
  6. On the Apply Auto Numbering screen, from the Selected Template field’s drop-down, click Custom.
    Additional fields display.
  7. Beneath the Select Values section, to the far right of the default sequence, click X.
    The system removes the sequence.
  8. From the Types field’s drop-down, click the type with which you want your matter file number scheme to begin, such as Client Id.
Client ID
  • You can create a custom auto-numbering scheme for your Client IDs.
  • The Start field defines the number at which your sequence begins, such as 1.
  • The Increment field determines the value with which each subsequent matter file number increases, such as 1.
  • The Min Length field defines your minimum sequence length. For example, if Start and Increment = 1, then a Min Length = 4 would produce a sequence running 0001, 0002, 0003, etc.
  • Choose either a Dot(.) or a Dash(-) to separate your scheme’s components from each other.
Text (max of 4 characters)
  • Enter up to four characters to include in your scheme, such as the first four letters of the firm’s name.
  • Add the current year in YYYY format to your scheme.
  • This field auto-updates with each New Year.
  • Add the current month in MM format to your scheme.
Year (no reseeding)
  • Add the current year in YYYY format to your scheme.
  • This field does not auto-update with each New Year.
  • Add the last two digits of the current year to your scheme.
  1. Click Types > Separator.
  2. From the Separators field’s drop-down, select Dash or Dot.
    The system adds your selection to your scheme.
  3. Click Types > Sequence.
    The Sequence field’s entry boxes display.
  4. In the Start field, enter 1.
  5. In the Increment field, enter 1.
  6. In the Min Length field, enter 4.
  7. To the far right of the field, click the orange plus sign.
    The system adds the sequence to your scheme.
  8.  Click Types > Separator.
  9. From the Separators field’s drop-down, click Dash or Dot.
    The system adds your selection to your scheme.
  10. Click Types > Month.
    The system adds the Month type to your scheme.
  11.  Click Types > Separator.
  12. From the Separators field’s drop-down, click Dash or Dot.
    The system adds your selection to your scheme.
  13. Click Types > Year.
    The system adds the Year type to your scheme.
  14. Click Types > YY.
    The system adds the last two digits of the year type to your scheme.
  15. Take one of these actions:
    • Click Per client based matter sequence number. With this option, the incremental sequence counter remains at 1, such as 001 for a three-digit sequence or 0001 for a four-digit sequence, until you create a new matter for an existing or former client.
    • Click Global Firm level matter sequence number. With this option, the incremental sequence increases by 1 with each new matter.

This is the scheme with the Per Client Based option:

  1. Click Apply.
    The system returns you to the Firm Preferences screen.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Save.
    The system finalizes your scheme.

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