Record a Credit Card Rebate
You can record rebates that appear on your credit card statement for office supplies, computer equipment purchases, and more.
Step 1: Create a Chart of Account
To create a chart of account for rebates:
- Create a chart of account.
- Use an account number in the 6400 range since a rebate COA is an expense.
- Name the account Rebates.
- Choose Account Type Expense.
- Click Save.
The system saves your chart of account for rebates.
Step 2: Add Rebate Transaction
To add the rebate transaction:
- From the left navigation panel, click Banking.
- On the Banks screen, double-click the credit card bank.
- From the toolbar atop the Transaction screen, click Add > Add Payment.
The Add Payment screen opens. - In the Amount field, enter the rebate amount.
- The Type auto-populates with Payment, from the Method drop-down, select the payment method.
- In the Payor field, enter the entity from which you received the rebate.
- In the Accounts section, from the Account field’s drop-down, click Rebate (created in step 1).
- In the upper right corner, click Save.
A warning message reads: You are allocating outgoing funds to an account which is normally used for incoming funds. Do you want to continue? - Click Yes.
The system saves the rebate transaction.